Guess What I Learned This Year On Our Cleanse?

My husband and I just wrapped up our annual cleanse – yay!

Every January we do a 21 day cleanse – an elimination diet to clean things up after enjoying and usually over doing it a bit  on all of the treats of the holiday season. Raise your hand if you ate more than your share of cookies this Christmas.

The list of things to avoid, which obvious things like caffeine, alcohol, sugar, dairy, wheat, and gluten, etc., can feel overwhelming. But the list of things to enjoy is actually bigger than the other list – so, if you just focus on what you can have – chicken, turkey, fish, brown rice, most vegetables and fruits, etc., you’ll be fine. 

I post every year after our cleanse and this post really explains the whole regime that we follow:
I also usually discover something new each time or learn about a new food or a trick for substituting foods. 

This year, my new discovery was … drumroll … cauliflower in smoothies! 

I know, I know, sounds crazy but hear me out.

One of the foods on the elimination list is bananas – all of the foods that are eliminated can often be allergenic, inflammatory, high in sugar, and bananas fall into the sugary/starchy category. They aren’t bad for you, but for the 21 days, you take a break. 

I often throw a little banana in my smoothies for the potassium and to add a creamy texture. I read a recipe for a smoothie bowl that was Clean Program approved and it used cauliflower to thicken it up. Genius! It adds just the right amount of texture and there is no detectable flavor. Plus, cauliflower is such a great super food! WebMD notes –
A one cup serving has:
• 100% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin C
• About a quarter of your daily vitamin K
• 2% of your daily calcium and iron
• 6% of your daily potassium
• More than 3 % of your daily magnesium
It is also mostly water, so it is very hydrating. Cauliflower is in the cruciferous family and is high in fiber and antioxidants.

“Cauliflower has a group of substances known as glucosinolates. As you chew and digest it, these substances are broken down into compounds that may help prevent cancer — they help protect cells from damage and have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial effects.”
As with anything new, check with your doctor if you have concerns – people with Thyroid issues (high amounts of cauliflower can block Iodine absorption), GI issues (fiber can cause excessive gas/bloating), or anyone on blood thinners or statins (Vitamin K can affect medications) should check in with how much cauliflower is okay to consume.

Cauliflower is wildly popular now – cauliflower pizza crusts, cauliflower rice, buffalo cauliflower and now in our house, it goes in smoothies


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