I recently posted about all of the great nutritional benefits of Chia seeds and also gave you the history of Pet Rocks, Mood Rings and Chia Pets. Important stuff!
I wanted to let you know about these nifty little Chia Shots by The Chia Company.
I discovered them when I was looking for a fun give away to celebrate the anniversary of our Wellness Seeds Blog. I wanted to give away seeds of some sort and it was a little late in gardening season here in Philadelphia at the time and honestly, not everyone has a green thumb or are privy to the gift of green space in a city, so chia seeds popped in to my head.
These little shots are a great way to take your seeds on the go or for when you are traveling. I like to add these to my salad at lunchtime. If you’ve ever had chia seeds, you know how they blow up and become …slimy? for lack of a better word, when they get wet, so adding them to the salad in the morning is not the best option.
I still haven’t mastered chia seed pudding yet. I made it once and I’m not sure what happened, but let’s just say you could have used it in masonry work. It was like a brick. Liquid to seed ratio clearly went wrong somewhere, so if anyone has a killer chia seed pudding recipe please send it our way!