I Got All My Sisters With Me…


I recently read a GREAT post from The Dabblist, entitled The Reciprocity of Sisterhood and Creativity. I always love reading Becca’s posts, but this one made my heart swell up like the Grinch in How the Grinch That Stole Christmas. I even got a little teary.

She starts out talking about how to be your authentic self you tend to want to be in the presence of women you feel you trust and connect with. We start this process at a young age by joining Girl Scouts and having sleep overs, etc. I knew immediately what she meant. You just feel better when you’re with your peeps!

But then she said something that really made my heart sing…

When you add in a dose of creativity and working with your hands into the experience of sisterhood, magic really happens.

I instantly thought of my knitting group.

We meet once a month, drink wine, eat cheese, talk, laugh, cry and yes, we do eventually knit. We are a small group, varying in age, and skill level of knitting. We are single, married, going through divorce, some with kids, some without, but when we sit around Tina’s table we are one. We are sisters working with creative energy. Heck one of us doesn’t even knit, she brings sewing projects.
I always look forward to knitting night. After reading Becca’s post, I view it now with different eyes and I am even more grateful for “my sisters” and the magic that happens every month.

Here’s Becca’s original post –

Hoping you find your sisterhood and some crafty magic!

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