Enjoy the Cave Posted December 30, 2014 by Judy Moon Posted by Gwyn MacDonald It’s hibernation time folks, one of my favorite times of the year as I think I have said in the past. I do love being outside and active in the warmer months, carrying on in the garden, soaking up the sun. But I also love the hush of winter. Running around in the cold and then hunkering down indoors, warm and sleepy under a blanket and a cat, a good book by my side. In the past few years though I find that instead of allowing myself to snuggle up and enjoy this time of being indoors, being internal, I fret that I should be doing something! Getting things done! Yikes. Give it a rest dear girl! This year I’m giving myself permission to settle in to winter. To read the books on my shelves that have been calling me, to rest, to write (no, the next post will not be about arithmetic, I promise). To be. We tell ourselves we don’t have enough time, but sometimes I think we just have to take the time. Make it our own. Happy hibernating!