Are You Looking For a New Craft Project?


Posted by Judy Moon

Raise your hand if you love a fun, crafty project!

Roll out the glitter, glue and paint brushes and sign me up!

I attended a fantastic workshop last fall, LifeLine Bootcamp,”an experiential journey of self-discovery for you to reach beyond the reactive comfort zone of protection and birth your most authentic, conscious, empowered and passionate self. Bootcamp is a space to heal, grow, learn and ultimately evolve from the inside out.”

As scary as it is sometimes to step out of the box and dive real deep in to your soul and ask yourself questions that literally make you squirm (seriously I almost did not get on the plane because I knew this was going to be hard work) it’s equally as freeing, empowering and fun to get clarity of vision, look things like Fear in the face and say, “thanks Fear, but, I’m good, get out of my way, thanks for protecting me, but I’ve got this.”

The last day we did the FUNNEST project. Everyone received a jar and we were supplied colored paper, glitter, magazines to cut out images, etc. to create an Intention Jar. What the heck is that you might ask yourself?

A big part of the LifeLine Technique is about setting intention and living an intentional life. So for example, in the morning I check in with myself and ask myself what is my intention for today….

I check in with where I am and how I am feeling…

That may include…fatigue, stress, overwhelmed, happy, grateful, worried… it’s different everyday.

Then I ask myself – “Would I ever choose to be overwhelmed? Hell no!”

What would I choose instead… hhhhmmm…”I am focused and clear.”

How does it feel to be focused and clear?…”It feels powerful” (add visual of my super hero cape flapping in the breeze)

My intention for the day becomes – “I am focused and clear feeling powerful”

I write it down and put it in my groovy jar.

Why is it important to write it down?

“Writing stimulates a bunch of cells at the base of the brain called the reticular activating system (RAS). The RAS acts as a filter for everything your brain needs to process, giving more importance to the stuff that you’re actively focusing on at the moment—something that the physical act of writing brings to the forefront. In Write It Down, Make It Happen, author Henriette Anne Klauser says that “Writing triggers the RAS, which in turn sends a signal to the cerebral cortex: ‘Wake up! Pay attention! Don’t miss this detail!’ Once you write down a goal, your brain will be working overtime to see you get it, and will alert you to the signs and signals that […] were there all along.”

It also adds energy to the process, I’ve thought it, I’ve spoken it, and I’m writing it down. I repeat the intention to myself during the day.

Since I had to jump back on a plane at the end of the workshop, I took my jar home and decided to paint it. I haven’t played with paints in a really long time and I got a tremendous amount of joy creating this sacred little jar to hold my intentions. It has become best friends with my ‘Gratitude Jar”, a jar that holds post its of things that my husband Joe and I write down that we are grateful for daily.

I invite you to engage with your inner crafty self and begin to live an intentional life filled with infinite love and gratitude.

Don’t forget the glitter!

Source –

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